Growing up, I heard people say that they had no idea they were living in a bubble until they had a certain experience. I can say that I had a similar experience when I joined the illmi Children’s Fund. ICF is a non-governmental organization dedicated to providing basic education to disadvantaged and marginalized children. In the course of starting my internship in this organization, it was like a revelation to a whole different aspect of life I had never seen before.
To have more perspective on where I am going, I grew up in a privileged family. The average family in Nigeria that can afford basic things and to an extent some ostentatious wants. The idea of education was always available for my siblings and me. I went through all the forms of education and graduated from university. From what I studied in school, I wanted to help people in Nigeria and this was reflected in my final project. My final year thesis was dedicated to women who suffered violence and this was my way of creating awareness because I had no idea how to take action.
I believe my desire to provide help brought me to ICF. My first meeting with the organization’s team was the greatest eye-opening I had experienced. It revealed the reality of people who are not privileged like me. There is the idea when living in Nigeria that people are suffering. When you have a taste of it, you have no idea that people are drinking from a tank filled with lack of opportunities.
I got to see statistical reviews of children out of school, and I also learned about the almajiris which I had never heard of before. To give more light, I had hardly ever noticed while living in Nigeria. The realities of these children were brought before me that simple basic education is not accessible for certain reasons which could be economic, physical, or mental. Some children are unaware of basic education while some have not been given this opportunity to experience education.
I never understood the statement “Education is not an opportunity but right” till I got to work at ICF. Education is for everyone, it does not have a class, race, or gender but in reality, we have seen marginalization in the educational system. Where children are limited by finances, skin color, and gender. Education is important and necessary. Access to education creates a better world in different areas like politics, economy, and technology. It produces value and innovations which is important to our society.
As a result, I have come to value ICF’s efforts to reach out to underprivileged and marginalized children. Their work is truly a significant contribution to today’s society. And with that comes a call to action, a call to be a humanitarian, a call for you to be part of making a difference in our world today.
This a reminder to you that; “Education is a right”.
Rhema Stephen.